April Mop


骗我两次,则是我的 耻辱"


"Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me"

Pinyin (pronounciation) of above chinese proverb : Pian wo yi ci, shi ni ke chi; pian wo liang ci, ze shi wo de chi ru.

FW: April Fools' Day is quite popular in my country, it is well known as April Mop (Mop is dutch, it means "jokes"). Is April Fools' day also popular in your country? Do you ever fool or be fooled on that day? share it here with us.


Da Old Man said...

It used to be bigger here. Now, we usually get one or two really big fake news stories.
It's also my birthday, so it used to be kind of annoying to always have tricks played on me for the day.

Rena said...

It's been a long time since someone sprang an April fools joke on me! I love your theme.

The Diary said...

"dropping by here and i hope you wiil do the same :)"

TOMAS said...

I never thought that having the laugh on other could be funny. It looks otherwise. It would be fine if you could help me to grasp what the world celebrate in the concrete on April.
Thank you.

Tina said...

happy april fools day friends

Mikes Sumondong said...

let me add to your quote. You cannot give what you don't have. So you need to receive love first so you can love others.

Symphony of Love said...

I only remember I tried fooling my cousin once many years back. But he was very very angry. After that, I never fooled anyone again. :)

Jess Villarin Quijano said...

Here's wishing you and your loved ones a Blessed Holy Week. May this season give you a chance to be together, to share your love for each other, as well as to share your gifts to others. Stay healthy and enjoy the day.

Unknown said...

hi! can we exlink? :D

Unknown said...

hi! can we exLink? :)

Unknown said...

okie friend :) its okie :D

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